
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jen: ‘I don’t eat baby food’

This just in! Jennifer Aniston doesn’t eat baby food. Well, not any more anyway…

Apparently, rumours have been rife that the romcom queen’s enviable figure is all down to a diet called The Baby Food Cleanse, created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson. It involves eating 14 servings of pureéd food each day, followed by a healthy dinner.

Well, as delicious as that may sound, it turns out Jen’s not sold on the idea.

“Sorry, but the last time I had baby food, I believe I was one,” the 41-year-old actress told People magazine. “I’ve been on solids for about 40 years now.”

Well, I’m glad that little misunderstanding’s all cleared up - aren’t you? (Puh! Next thing she’ll be telling us she’s been properly potty-trained, too.)

But can you believe some stars really do follow these faddy-sounding diets? Why can’t they just do some exercise and eat healthily like normal people?

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